We value the Presence of God. God can do more in a person’s life when they encounter His Presence than we can do through all of our strategic planning. We will prepare; we will pray; we will worship with all of our heart. We will do everything we can to enhance the opportunity for each person to encounter the Presence of God in every gathering we have. We will not be happy if we just go through the motions of being in church.


God has ever expanding resources. They are NEVER depleted. God multiplies all that we give Him. That is why our coffee and refreshments are FREE! We never lose when we generously give. Whenever we give God our best, He gives us a new best. Being generous is not a money problem; it is always a heart problem. We will be generous people.


We have a vision for the world. We will send people to reach unreached people groups because we are committed to the Great Commission. We pray for nations and people who have not heard the Gospel to come to salvation. We give generously to get the Gospel to every part of the world.


We will risk everything for the Next Generation. It is expensive to minister to the Next Generation—and it is worth every dollar. When Pastor Ryan and Shayna started Grace Church, they asked themselves what they would risk their lives for. The answer was people who do not know Jesus and the next generation.


Our heart is for UNITY—Unity is our secret sauce. We want unity on our staff and we want unity in our church, and we want unity with other churches who are preaching the Gospel. Unity is critical. We don’t gossip; we speak life; we don’t tear down; we build up.


We want to inspire and encourage people. The world has hurt and pain, but we are glass half-full people, and the glass comes with free refills! Pain in this life will happen, but we will answer that pain with hope. We truly believe that in Jesus Christ…. The best is yet to come!


We live to be AUTHENTIC—We are real people doing real life together. Authenticity is hard to define, but we all know it when we see it. None of us is perfect. We are honest about our failures. Yet, we are committed to learning from our failures and moving forward from them. We share our failures so that we can all move forward, to show that there is a way out. We are going to tell the truth.
Our Mission


G – God Lovers 

At Grace Church, we believe that God created us to have relationship with Him. Jesus said, “the greatest commandment is to Love the Lord your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Because of our love for God, we will reflect him to those around us.

R – Reaching the Lost

At Grace Church, those that do not know Jesus will always be a priority. Jesus said, ‘the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.” We will give and go to help make a difference in our community and world, this includes Sunday services and outreaches.

A – Acts of Love

At Grace Church, we believe that everyone needs the love of God. Acts of Love is an everyday lifestyle of showing God’s love to people around us. We choose to be intentional about loving people just they way they are with no strings attached.

C – Connect Groups

At Grace Church, we believe that you were not meant to live life alone. People have a natural desire to experience life together. That’s why we offer Connect Groups. Connect groups are small groups of people that will gather in homes, coffee shops, and other locations around Downriver/Metro Detroit. In these groups, you will have an opportunity to build authentic relationships, learn from God’s Word and pray together!

E – Encounters with God

At Grace Church, we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and that nothing is impossible with God. It is our desire that people will encounter and feel God’s presence at each of our services. We will also offer Holy Spirit encounter nights throughout the year.